Размер: 1.30 Мб
Добавил: max.korg.vin
Дата добавления: 20:24, 31 августа 2016г.
Скачиваний: 27
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Описание и инструкции:

Описание и инструкции:

[!] - unsafe feature that might get you banned.

• Scripts:

-Unlimited iFrames (godmode + no fall damage)
-Unlimited Durability
-Unlimited Items [!]
-Disable Gravity (air walking)
-No Fall Damage
-Ignore Status Effects (doesn’t actually work)
-No Reload (semi-broken)
-Noclip (semi-broken)
-No Equip Load
-Access All Bonfires [!]
-100% Drop Rate [!]
-Prevent Camera Changing (“Lock Camera State”)
-Monster Vac (teleports all monsters to you)
-Camera Control
-Debug Free Cam
-First Person Cam
-Teleport scripts
-Vacuum Scripts and Backstab teleport
-Item Swap [!] (that’s what people use to “spawn items”)
-Last Weapon Highlighted (EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST helper)
-Last Armor Highlighted (EQUIP_PARAM_PROTECTOR_ST helper
-Last Stackable Item Highlighted [!]
-Last Spell Highlighted (MAGIC_PARAM_ST helper)
-Last Ring Highlighted (EQUIP_PARAM_ACCESSORY_ST helper)
-Basic Bullet structure helper (all edits are clientside only)
-Effect Helper (SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST helper)

• Hero:

-Hero Stats (HP, FP, Stamina, Souls [!], Speed Modifier)
-Attributes [!] and Souls Level [!]
-Covenants [!] (Current Covenant [!], Covenant scores[!])
-Gestures [!] (Equip any Gesture, Unlock any Gesture)
-Appearance [!], Gender, Class (Do rebirth to change base attributes) Body Proportions, [!] Face Details [!]
-Current Equipment (Equip any armor, weapon, spell) [!]
-New Game pointer [!]
-Last bonfire [!]
-Character Name [!]
-Ember flag [!]
-Current Save Slot [!]
-Chr_type (phantom type)
-Team_type (hostility)
-Force invasion

• World Flags

-Unlock Bonfires [!]
-Remote Elevator Control
-Open / Close Doors [!]
-Revive and Kill Bosses [!]
-Rosaria’s Rebirths
-End Current Playthrough [!]


-Group mask render values (hide map, objects, character, sfx)
-Lock_Tg_Man > Increase Lock On Distance (Increase "LockRangeRadiusBonus" for longer lock on)
--No Hit (same as unlimited iframes)
--No Damage (disables damage)
--No Dead (hp decreases, but you can’t die, also disables insta death events like gravity etc)
--No FP consumption (unlimited magic)
--No Stamina Consumption (unlimited stamina)
--No Update
--Disable Back-read Toggle


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