Размер: 30.76 Кб
Добавил: max.korg.vin
Дата добавления: 23:27, 25 марта 2018г.
Скачиваний: 12
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Описание и инструкции:

The main script gives you:
God mode
Infinite stamina
Run speed mod; note: speed has a direct impact on 'sneakiness'. The more speed, the easier to detect.
Jump speed mod; has a direct impact on jump height (it's the speed at which you launch). Also effects sneakiness.
Lantern range mod; allows you to change the radius that your lantern lits up.
Sight range mod; allows you to tweak the sight range of enemies. For some reason, it also used for hearing (incorrectly - bug?). The lower, the easier to sneak.
Visual discretion mod; allows you to mod the visual discretion bonus provided by your attire (not shown on screen). The higher, the easier to sneak.
Auditive discretion mod; allows you to mod the auditive discretion bonus provided by your attire (not shown on screen). The higher, the easier to sneak.
Daytime progress mod; lets you change how fast game time progresses during the day. =1 original, >1 day goes faster, <1 day goes slower, 0 stops it (great for having constant daylight). Note: events require game time to progress!
Nighttime progress mod; lets you change how fast game time progresses during the night. =1 original, >1 night goes faster, <1 night goes slower, 0 stops it (great for picking mushrooms at night). Note: events require game time to progress!

The main scripts can be activated once you have run a few steps and opened your inventory.

Additional scripts included:
Candle "fuel"; enabling requires using the candle for a moment
Lantern fuel; enabling requires using the lantern for a moment
Min. money; enabling requires changing the amount of money you have (i.e. pick up)
XP gain mod; enabling requires gaining some XP (burn a flag, for example)
Red Mist range mod ; I assume it requires using this skill at least once.
I did not merge these into the main script because these may prevent you from enabling the script.

Процесс запуска:

1. Запустить Cheat Engine, "Load" и выбрать таблицу
2. "Select a process to open", выбрать нужный процесс.
3. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.

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