Размер: 39.20 Кб
Добавил: max.korg.vin
Дата добавления: 13:32, 29 июня 2019г.
Скачиваний: 1
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Описание и инструкции:

Update 1.11E: Обновление таблицы для экспериментального билда CL#100692
!!! Не работает на стабильной версии "CL#99427" !!!

Описание таблицы:

  • Unlimited Health - Any damage taken does not lower player's health.
  • Easy Kills - Kill other characters with one single hit.
  • Increase Move Speed - Doubles your walking / running speed.
  • Increase Jump Height - Doubles your jumping height.
  • Turbo Manual Crafting - Craft almost anything with one single hit in the workbench.
  • Infinite Fuel - Stops fuel consumtion, does NOT require any fuel items in inventory.
  • Inventory Size - Allows you to change your inventory size (aftering activing open your inventory, change the value and re-open your inventory).
  • Unlimited Items [Crafting / Building] - When crafting or building the game thinks you have 9999 of each item in your inventory. (will still consume items from your inventory).
  • Duplicate Items [Drag & Drop] - Drag and dropan item from 1 slot to another slot to duplicate the item with max stack amount.
  • Clicked Item - Click on an item and change the amount. (Use keys arrow up/down to increase/decrease the amount by 10. When holding down ctrl it will increase/decrease by 100.)
  • No Power Requirement - All buildings/factories are powered even if no power cable is attached.
  • Quick Milestone Time Reset - Recudes the time to go to next miltestone to 35 seconds.(* 35 seconds is the minimum in other to still have a proper animation of the spaceship leaving an returning.)
  • Instant Analysis - Sets all analysis times to 1 second. Active before starting an analysis.
  • Infinite Ammo [Rebar Gun] - Doesn't consume Spiked Rebars.

Процесс запуска:

1. Запустить Cheat Engine, "Load" и выбрать таблицу
2. "Select a process to open", выбрать нужный процесс.
3. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.

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